Brooklyn Oriental Rug Cleaning | Making Rugs Sanitary

When an oriental rug is first purchased, it’s appealing to several senses. For example, it smells good, feels good, and, of course, it looks good too. But this ideal state will not last forever, and eventually oriental rug cleaning will be required. But one shouldn’t pursue DIY oriental rug cleaning, as this usually just results in a damaged rug. Instead, get a professional rug cleaning service, as this will ensure your rug is free of dirt, bacteria, and all the other elements that can make a rug unattractive.
A dirty rug can be home to dirt, dust, grit, mold, mildew, dust mites, allergens, and a bunch of other particles and organisms that nobody wants on their rug. A dirty rug can also restrict airflow in a home, and it can reduce air quality as well. Most people don’t know that dirty rugs can be harmful and restrictive, but such is an unfortunate truth.

rug cleaning nyc manhattan

How Our Oriental Rug Cleaning Service Works

When you need oriental rug cleaning, we’ll be there for you. Our team has been trusted and preferred for years, and we’re a first choice for those who need Brooklyn oriental rug cleaning. When we’re done with cleaning, your rug will not only be sanitary but spotless as well. It will also smell fresh, and it’ll be a real compliment magnet again.
We clean rugs using the best cleaning products, high-tech tools, and leading rug cleaning methods. We can clean any kind of rug, and no job is too large for our team. Whether you’re a residential or commercial client, we can help you. Once our cleaning process is over, you’ll remark that your rug looks just as good as it did when you first purchased it.
If you have specific cleaning instructions, we’ll follow these to a T to ensure the cleaning process goes smoothly. We’ll only improve your rugs—never make them worse! Here’s more on what you can expect from our cleaning process:
The first thing we’ll do is assess the colorfastness of your rug before cleaning it; when it comes to cleaning oriental rugs, preparation is very important. We’ll also remove whatever loose fibers, dirt, grit, and debris we can before cleaning, as these particles can be more damaging when wet.
At this point it’s time for the gentle rug washing. We’ll take extra care, as we know a wet rug can get damaged easily. We’ll only use cleaning products that are designed for oriental rugs, and we’ll refrain from doing any vigorous scrubbing.

We’ll Take Care Of Pet Stains & Odors

We’ll make sure pet stains and bad odors are removed from your rug. If your pet has an accident on the rug, don’t take your frustration out on them. Instead, get help from us. We’ll make the pet stains go away whether they’re old or new, and you’ll be able to enjoy your rugs again when we’re done with cleaning. We’re sought by pet owners who need Brooklyn oriental rug cleaning.